Обзор самых удачных ссылок за неделю. Выпуск № 202 от 05.05.2018

Обзор самых удачных ссылок за неделю

Top links. Выпуск № 202 от 05.05.2018

Вниманию предлагается выходящий в свет каждую субботу бюллетень ссылок о любительском радио во всём мире, с обзором наиболее удачных из них за истекшую неделю. Еженедельный электронный бюллетень публикует ссылки на наиболее уместные новости, проекты, технологии и события, происходящие в радиолюбительской жизни. Полезным может стать для каждого радиолюбителя.

Удачного просмотра!

Amateur Radio Weekly
Issue 202 May 5th, 2018

Top links

The Horror-Mitters
A working tuneable FM transmitter for the two meter amateur using only found junk and components scavenged from old television sets.
Developer says he has purchased Hara Arena
Michael Heitz, a Lexington based developer, has bought Hara Arena.
Dayton Daily News
Don’t buy into the doom-and-gloom: Low sunspots are not the end
Here are a few strategies for working DX during sunspot lows.
The SWLing Post
Children's book features Amateur Radio and space communications
Ada Lace, Take Me to Your Leader is a new book written for young people by Emily Calandrelli KD8PKR that features amateur radio and space communications.
Ham Radio operators help save lives in tinder fire
Communication troubles began because of poor cell service at the fire line.
Build your own 18650 LiFePO4 battery pack, no soldering
18650 batteries are a cost effective way to power our communications gear out in the field.
Ham Button
Designing a satellite station for the home QTH
Working SSB satellites from home is a bit more complicated, especially as I wish to automate a lot of what happens, especially the automatic tracking of the satellites during passes.
Adventures in Ham Radio


Hand made vacuum tubes
Hand made vacuum tubes by Claude Paillard.