Обзор самых удачных ссылок за неделю. Выпуск № 166 от 22.07.2017

Обзор самых удачных ссылок за неделю


Top linksВыпуск № 166 от 22.07.2017

Вниманию предлагается выходящий в свет каждую субботу бюллетень ссылок о любительском радио во всём мире, с обзором наиболее удачных из них за истекшую неделю. Еженедельный электронный бюллетень публикует ссылки на наиболее уместные новости, проекты, технологии и события, происходящие в радиолюбительской жизни. Полезным может стать для каждого радиолюбителя. Приятного просмотра! 

Amateur Radio Weekly
Issue 166 July 22nd, 2017

Top links

Receive pictures from space
The International Space Station is transmitting SSTV pictures to Radio Amateurs around the world on 145.800 MHz FM.
Serious DX: The Deep Space Network
Amateur Radio operator Paul Marsh (M0EYT) recently bagged the Cassini probe, currently making its final orbits of Saturn before plunging into the gas giant in September.
Hack A Day
Using SDRTrunk on Linux for live trunk tracking with an RTL-SDR
SDRTrunk is a cross platform Java based piece of software that can be used for following trunked radio conversations.
Antenna Summer
This summer it is time to get serious about putting up a decent antenna. Being a sensible guy I set myself some goals.
Connect with the global community of Amateur Radio enthusiasts
I first got involved in amateur radio (also called ham radio) in 2010, mostly to prove a point that "girls can be amateur radio operators too" — and discovered I was joining a fun community by doing so.
Scrap dealer finds Apollo-era NASA computers in engineer's basement
Plus hundreds of mystery tapes from Pioneer and Helios probe missions.
Ars Technica
Review: Hiland adjustable DC regulated power supply kit‎
Limiting the amount of current a prototype can draw is really a must. Also, Did I mention the power supply goes down to zero volts? Not an every day need but definitely a good feature.


A close look at our Ham Radio go box
We show you what is in the Go Box and how we installed all of the equipment.
New digital mode FT-8 for the fast & furious
Here's a short demonstration on the new digital mode FT-8 developed by K1JT & K9AN. 
Replacing dead capacitors in consumer electronics
Replacing the capacitors in an old Netgear FS116 Ethernet switch, but the same methods should apply to any other piece of consumer electronics.
The Life of Kenneth
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